Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Africa" By:David Diop (Senegal)

The poetry about Africa is about how the people see Africa.  It says that Africa is a place where slavery was and how there grow stronger from it.  Also its about how they became stronger. It also say " The bitter taste of libery " was is what Africa was feeling at the time slavery ended because they had problems of becoming a real place. That is what people see of Africa.

I have a tribute to someone very cute I love and his name is Jayden.  He is the greatest kid every and he can ligten anyones day.  I can just look at him and I feel better.  I love how he always want to play the computer with me and when were just playing around.  He is one of the funniest kid to play with and I just love him. That was my tribute to the greatest kid every.

                          Stephanie Rozga :)