Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Africa" By:David Diop (Senegal)

The poetry about Africa is about how the people see Africa.  It says that Africa is a place where slavery was and how there grow stronger from it.  Also its about how they became stronger. It also say " The bitter taste of libery " was is what Africa was feeling at the time slavery ended because they had problems of becoming a real place. That is what people see of Africa.

I have a tribute to someone very cute I love and his name is Jayden.  He is the greatest kid every and he can ligten anyones day.  I can just look at him and I feel better.  I love how he always want to play the computer with me and when were just playing around.  He is one of the funniest kid to play with and I just love him. That was my tribute to the greatest kid every.

                          Stephanie Rozga :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"The Last Jugement" By: Karel Capek (Czechoslovakia)

The story says the region of Czechoslovakia can be a place of danger.  It says that Czechoslovakia is a small place.  Also that in the story God can't judge you.  The story says the be good because in the end you are going to be judged and end up in a bad place.  That is what the story says.

  The consequences are when your alive you can have no friends/family, no life (job or future), of in jail. When you die the consequences are you can get sent to hell.  My opinion is that it was right because he was killing people when he was alive so he should not has a good life after death.  No I do not believe in karma.  Humans should be nice to humans bcause you will not have the same judgement as in the story and you can have a better life is you are nicer to people.

Stephanie R.

"First Confession" By:Frank O'Connor (Ireland)

The literature says that the Ireland region is a place where religion is an important part of there life.  In the "First Confession" it is important how they are getting the kids ready to go to there first confession.  The story also tells how the kids need to tell the whole truth when they go.  It tells that the little boy doesn't want to go.  That is what the story said about the region.
The church I would like to go to is a place that you can freely worship what you want and has fun activities.  Also that has people you can talk to when you have problems.  That would be a cruch I would love to go to!
Stephanie R.